We all are worried about Hair Dent these days. Especially those who are working in the office and wearing headphones all day long.
Mainly hair dents or headphone hair comes because of the pressure of the headband. Headphones leave dent in the hair. It also makes the hair volume flatter.
I am welcoming you here.
Because by this article I am going to show the best way to prevent headphone hair.
How to Prevent Headphone Hair?
The following ways might help you to prevent this problem. LOOK BELOW:
Put “The Bar” Under Your Chin
Wear the headphone with the “Bar” under your chin.
If you wear a bar under your chin, then there is no possibility to touch the band with your hair. This will help you to avoid hair dent.
Use “Neck-Band” Headphone
As neck-band headphones come under your neck so there is no possibility of hair dent.
So, you can use the neckband headphones while working. This can be careful about preventing headphone hair as well as it will reduce pressure.
Wear A Hat
Don’t you have neck-band headphone? No worries. You can still go for a hat. Wearing a hat is an excellent idea. You can put a headphone over the hat. So that it can prevent headphone hair.
Loosen The Head Band
Again you can lose your headband. Loosening your headband is the super easiest way. If you lose your headband, then you will feel free and comfortable. It may help you to prevent headphone hair.
Choose Headphone Friendly Hairstyles
There is another way to prevent your hair dent. You can choose a hairstyle which will fit with your headphone. This works very stylishly, and also, the new hairstyle gives you a new look.
Keep Shifting Headphone Band During Use
It may take a little bit of hassle to keep shifting the headphone band during work. But that a small price to pay if you want to avoid headphone hair.
Wearing A Hoodie
We all have hoodies in our homes. Hoodies can also be effective here. You can wear a hoodie before wearing headphones over your head.
But it’s possible if you are at home or any informal place. In your office or any formal place, you may not be allowed to wear a hoodie. But it is a most casual way to prevent headphone hair.
But wearing a hoodie may not come with a good result during summer.
So, you can wear it in winter.
Shaving Your Head
It sounds lame, right???
Yes, it sounds lame and weird. But it works.
No hair, no hair dent!
This may be applicable for men only.
Don’t worry!! Bald men looks so smart and also attractive.
Use In-Ear Headphones
Don’t want to shave your head off?? Don’t worry. We also have solutions. Do you want to know? Okay, let’s see then…
We have many different types with different cost In-ear headphones in the markets. From there, you can buy one and say “GOODBYE” to your dented hair.
You can also search for In-ear headphones on the different online store.
Earbuds Can Also Be Your Best Friends
To Avoid and fix headphone hair with in-ear headphones may mess your hair. Because it has a long wire which can be the reason for your messed-up hair.
As Earbud is very lightweight and can easily fit your ear, it can be a good option.
Earbuds sound quality is also excellent.
So, you can go with Earbuds. You can also find it in the markets or different e-commerce sites. This is the simplest way to avoid this problem forever.
But Earbuds has some cons. You may not be able to do all the necessary professional works properly with Earbuds. It can be used for listening or talking.
I have already discussed these ways to help you answer your question: How to wear headphones without messing up hair.

How to Fix Headphone Hair?
In the above discussion, I was talking about How to Prevent Headphone Hair?
In these ways, you can prevent headphone hair forever.
But you want to know how to fix it in a short time?
Okay!! I also have solutions to this.
Let’s have a look at below:
Take A Brush And A Water Spray Bottle
Whenever your hair is misbehaving, you can set-up with the water spray.
It is an effortless and quick way to remove headphone hair. After then brush your hair and make your style.
Tousle It Back To Shape
Oh!! No!! Don’t you have a spray bottle and brush with you at work?
Do you have a meeting after some time?? Need to fix your Hair Dent??
Don’t Worry, Dear!! We have another solution.
Let’s See what they are…
Go to the restroom, take a paper towel and tousle the dented hair.
Magic, right??
Yes, it really works like magic. All the dented hair will be gone. Now restyle it with your fingers as you want.
It may be useful but not as a sprayer and hairdryer.
Styling Gel
You can use styling gel as well. It can make your hair looking less shitty. Whatever style you want to create, it will be long-lasting.
But after applying the styling gel, don’t forget to wash your hair with a decent shampoo. Styling gel can be the reason for hair loss.
Using A straightener
You just need to straightening in that direction where your headphone dent is.
How quick these ways are! You can easily do these to fix your headphone hair within a moment.

Can Headphones Cause Hair Loss?
Are there stray hairs on your shoulders? This happens because of wearing headphones for a long time.
Moving headphones all the time makes these hair losses. It is easy to understand that the headbands that rub and pull-on hair, which causes hair fall.
Wherever you are worried about these hair losses and want to get rid of them, then you need to do the following things:
- It will be best if you used comfortable headphones with a comfortable headband.
- Light-weighted headphones can be useful also.
- Remove the headphone very gently. This will help you not to rub and pull off your hair.
- Try to practice good headphone hygiene.
Now a new question may arise in your mind – How to wear headphones without messing up hair?
You are in the right place. I will show you the ways now. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s have a look…
How To Wear Headphone With Long Hair?
- You can make a long ponytail and then wear the headphone.
- Again, you can make a bun up to your head and then wear headphones.
- Stuck the hair behind your ears and can out the headphone on top.
- If you are not comfortable with it, then you can go for In-Ear Headphones or Earbuds.

Some days ago, I was searching for an answer to a question as my little brother is a gamer. He was asking me for a headset that doesn’t mess up hair because massy hair feels annoying while playing games.
Then, I researched a lot about Gaming headsets that don’t mess up hair. I found it is a very common question of many people.
So, I would like to suggest you some types of headphones which will not mess-up your hair. Look below to say- Bye, bye to your problem.
Gaming Headset That Doesn’t Mess-up Hair.
To avoid mess-up hair while playing games, using Over-Ear Headphones or On-Ear Headphones will not be effective enough.
You can go for In-Ear Headphones or Earbuds. There are various versions of In-Ear Headphones and Earbuds in the markets. From there, you can buy your suitable In-ear headphone or Earbuds.
Too busy or lazy???
No problem. You can search these on the different online stores also.
Wishing you all the best. I hope you find a suitable In-ear headphone or Earbuds now—Say goodbye to messy hair.
Now you can play games without any hassle.
As I am professional and my headphone is the part of my daily work. I faced the Hair Dent problem a lot.
At first, I was so worried about preventing this problem as soon as possible. Then I found this is not only my problem.
Many of us like me also want to know How to prevent headphone hair.
In this article, I tried my level best to show you all the necessary ways that will help you to prevent headphone hair forever.
Thanks for reading this article.